Solar Safe Water

An ESRAG and WASH-rag initiative

Everything starts with safe water.

Join Solar Safe Water and support people in need with hot and safe drinking water in offgrid areas.

At the same time, you
contribute to all Rotary’s 7 areas of focus and get Gold Standard certified compensation for your carbon emissions.

Get to know Solar Safe Water project in the video.

Today, more than 1 billion people around the world lack access to safe water. And with climate change, the situation will worsen. Solar Safe Water offers an efficient and powerful method that allows people to quickly and easily get access hot and safe water.

The Solar Safe Water initiative supports people in need of safe water in off-grid areas, for drinking, cooking and hygiene. Safe drinking water improves living conditions and enables a way out of poverty. In addition, it reduces the family’s carbon dioxide emissions, saves trees from being cut down, and the family benefits health, finances and girls’ equality. Contributing to this initiative have an amazing impact on sustainable development aligning with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and Rotary’s 7 area of focus.

We are proud to support Solvatten’s changemaking  CLIMATE PROJECT in the province of Tharaka-Nithi in Kenya.


Do good:
Give Solar Safe Water

Donate to give people in need access to safe and hot water in the Tharaka-Nithi project and thereby contributing to sustainable development according to Rotary’s all 7 Areas of Focus.

Compensate Carbon Emissions with a Gold Standard cert. project

Compensate for your personal carbon emissions or become a climate friendly club. One Solvatten heater compensates for 7 tons.

Manage your own project

Are you looking for an impactful project using Solvatten, for you club or district in a local community of your choice? Contact us for more information.

Solar Safe Water in Action

In these videos, see how Josephine is using her Solvatten heater and how it helps her and her family in their daily life. Solvatten heaters combat climate change and see

Women and girls are often responsible for managing safe water. In offgrid areas, this needs many hours of work just to make the water drinkable. Therefor, many girls and women do not have time to go to school or work.

Solvatten heaters also prevent emissions of greenhouse gases, save trees from being cut down and thereby habitat for biodiversity.

Scardinian District 2080 scale up Solar Safe Water

Thanks to district 2080, 110 families now have access to hot and safe water. 5,500 trees have been saved and 770 tons of CO2 emissions prevented.

Thanks to Rotary clubs, thousands of people now have access to safe water.

ESRAG’s initiatve Solar Safe Water supports people in need with hot and safe water in off grid areas. The impact are amazing and supports all 7 areas of focus.